"Everybody ought to do at least two things that they hate each day, just for practice" Hannah replies, "I have to take out the recycle every other day. I know that I should, but I just don't want to. I also hate eating eggs."
"Ask yourself if you feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house? If not, find some new best friends." Hannah replies, "I do have two best friends I would trust with a key to my house. For example, Michael takes care of our dog when we're away. They also swim in our pool when we're gone. If the Thurber's (Michael and his parents) weren't there, we'd have no one to call when we forgot the dog.
I'm sure our children's teachers know more about us than we'd want to know! Like how we torture our children with chores and eggs, and have left town on more than one occasion, gotten there and gone...where's the dog? Call the Thurbers! Yes, of course they have a key to our house!