Sunday, January 3, 2010

A brand new 2010!!!!

Hooray! A brand new year! Not setting up any resolutions or anything...but am hoping for blogging a little more often. Every two months doesn't quite cut it as blogging!

Last year was a hard one for us. A lot of stress worrying about the unknown. A lot of growing up (mostly on Mom's part :). Very much thankful for answered prayers. Not really feeling like gushing, but just a thankful deep breath. You know... sometimes there aren't words to describe life. Just the hope that your future actions can reflect, in some small way, your gratitude for every gift that each moment is. It all sounds cliche, until you've been worn down to the bare bones of who you really are.

Yet, there's always someone who will dump out a Jamba Juice on your rug, someone will pee the bed, someone will forget their homework (again) and the occasional "nite, nite, I love you" that makes up the fabric of the everyday. Makes you inhale deeply, the unique, lovely smell of each of your children and thank the Lord for both the stress they cause and the blessings they create.

My predictions for 2010:
Dave will find a new, or rediscover an old hobby.
Jocelyn will be able to swim 400 m with ease :)
Hannah will become a 12 year old teenager
Tatum will discover walking in her own shoes (tune in'll see)
Jack will be the big kid
and Carter...will hopefully be potty trained. Hopefully!

Happy New Year!!!! Stay tuned...we might just post this year!