Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 4: “Time to Unwind”

We slept in and spent the first half of the day in our jammies. The kids were busy all afternoon playing games and hanging out. We did a little laundry- how we made 4 loads already is beyond me… While Jack napped, Dave, Carter and I headed out to Target and the grocery to stock up for our Westward Ho trip. We spent a small fortune, but are totally set up now.

When we returned, Mike and Lela had prepared this amazing huge meal for the 12 of us and we ate like happy piglets. It was nice to have a day with our family and unwind together. Dalton made it home from his class trip a bit early, so we got to visit with him too. It is fun to see how the kids have grown so much, yet they all just reconnect when we’re all together. It was also fun to see Alanna’s son Braylen and her as a mom- when it seems like she should still be that cute little girl running around in her school uniform! Mike and Lela have been such gracious hosts and it is so easy to just chill our here- we sadly realize that we have to head out tomorrow. We put the kids to bed, jammy up and the sun finally sets at 10:30 at night. It would take a while to get used to the reflective phenomena of the sun on Lake Michigan.

Day 3 “Horses, Bicycles and Fudge”

We’re up and at ‘em today for our trip to Mackinac Island. We load the ferry at 7:30. We calmly request a barf bag for Tatum as insurance for our 20 minute ride over. No need, she’s a rock star on the water today.

The island was established for the British fur trade and was a military post as well. The island was a very sacred place for the Native Americans who lived there. When the horseless carriage was invented (the automobile) someone brought one to the island and ran into and injured a couple of horses and people. It was decided by the residents of the island to outlaw motorized vehicles and to this day, you only can use your legs, real horse-power, or a bicycle to get around the island.

At the ferry, we were picked up by horse drawn carriages and given a tour of the island. We saw the Grand Hotel- a huge white hotel that overlooks the lake that looks like Michigan’s Hotel Del. We also toured the back of the island, which has some beautiful lookout points. Next, we toured the fort and saw some cannons get fired. Jack didn’t like the loud noise and stayed close to Daddy. Carter snoozed.

It was pretty chilly still, so we headed down into town for some lunch. We had a wonderful Italian lunch, where the girls wolfed down big plates of pasta. Afterwards, we strolled down to Starbucks (no cars, but of course, a Starbucks) for a little pick me up and on to sample all the fudge. There are so many fudge shops and they are quite generous with the samples. Our family fav was chocolate peanut butter.

Jack was fried by now and laid down in the middle of the sidewalk to have a temper tantrum. We calmly stood aside and watched him, as people walked around him. A few seemed shocked…but most just gave us a knowing glance. Three year olds are three year olds. What can you do? Dave and the girls played catch with a mini football.

Before we headed back on the ferry, we relaxed by the water and watched all the kites that the local toy store had flying. The same toy store where the kids had found shocking pens and packs of gum that snap you when you pull a piece out.

After the ferry ride back, we headed back to Grand Rapids (about 3 ½ hours) while the girls had a blast just hanging out with their cousin Tanner. We all slept like rocks that night.

Day Two “Destination “U.P.”:

5 a.m. wake up. After about a gallon of coffee, we’re ready to head up to St. Ignace in what is considered the beginning of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula or the “U.P.” We are tagging along with our nephew, Tanner’s class on a field trip to Mackinac Island. Dave awakens feeling better, but still weak from this lovely 24 hour bug.

It is so green and beautiful on the drive, which we get to enjoy at a leisurely pace from all of the construction. Dave was giggling when we actually his gravel. Those really pretty big red barns do exist. It’s hard to believe this is the same place that had had 6 foot snow drifts in the recent past. According to our hosts, this past winter was the 2nd most snowfall ever. The weather is beautiful as spring is unfolding. Beautiful yellow and white flowers line the road.
Our first stop is the Mill Creek Discovery Park for a tour of how they used to use a water driven mill to make the lumber. It was pretty cool. Dave stayed back in the motorhome for a mini power nap. Jack and Tatum were content to blow the dandelion while everyone else went on a nature walk. I’m sure they appreciated us spreading more dandelion about.

After a sack lunch we continued on until we were at the base of the Mackinac Bridge (I think it actually had a different name, but can’t remember it) and toured the Colonial Michilinamackinac (again…that’s spelled wrong- we’re still a little out of it from lack of sleep) which is a fort preserved to show what life was like in a colonial settlement. The wind off the lake is bone chilling today, so we can just imagine what those drafty homes felt like in the middle of winter. After our tour, we cross the bridge and head to our hotel. After a big meal and a couple of baths, we fall into bed again.

Day One “Endurance Training”:

Hooray, we made it! The day started pretty early. At 4 a.m., the alarm went off and I thought…what have we done to ourselves? I was feeling much better after a day with the stomach flu. Not even sure what I packed, nor did I care at the time. Poppa and Julie showed up at to take us to the airport at 5- we’re so spoiled!

The plane ride went great, considering how afraid I was of Carter being a ratty lap child. I did notice Hannah looked sort of tired and grumpy. When we landed and we all stood up, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “Mommy, I feel sick”. Hmm…I guess we aren’t finished with the stomach flu. We had a two hour layover in Cleveland (Tate thought we were in Cleverland) where we sat down for lunch. Halfway through, Hannah and I were bolting through the airport from trash can to trash can looking for the closest bathroom. I’d like to post a complaint with airport architects about poor layout of facilities and did so silently in my head.

When we landed in South Bend, IN- our motorhome was supposed to be waiting for us in the parking lot. No Motorhome. Meanwhile, Dave was starting to look a bit, well, actually a lot, green. Oh, yes- it was his turn. Picture us, our ten bags, kids running around, trash cans getting knocked over and Dave laying in the middle of baggage claim, head on a bag trying to figure out where our ride was. Two hours later, the motorhome arrived and we were off.

An hour into it, Dave asks for a barf bag next to him. By the end of our 2 ½ hour drive (Dave says it was seven), he was leaning over the huge steering wheel of the motorhome moaning to himself silently. He was either too delirious or frightened to let me have a go at driving the 40 ft. motorhome. He actually related the experience to running a marathon and that it was certainly a new form of endurance training. We arrived at my brother Mike and his wife Lela’s, said hello, and then Dave was running for the bathroom.

We crawled into awesome accomadations (we got the whole basement to ourselves…did I mention spoiled?) at midnight and crashed.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I...I will survive!

We're all packed for our grand adventure! Packing hasn't been pretty. It takes a lot of stuff to take 6 people on a 17 day trip. Thank heavens for Target, because i'm sure i've still forgotten a lot.

There's a stomach bug floating around our house. Tate started throwing up Friday night, but seemed all better. It's sort of her thing, so we just assumed she was fighting something. She was all better by Saturday and all but the baby loaded up to go to Poppa and Jana's house for a big sleep-over. At 3 a.m., Jack (Poppa's bedmate) started in. Poor Poppa got it twice last night. He was such a sport about it. I mean, really...i've been thrown up on at 3 in the morning by my own offspring and I don't think I was that mellow about the whole thing.

We thought that was it. I (Jocelyn) went off for a beautiful bike ride with my girlfriends- enjoying this last perfect weather day. Hours after I got home, the chills and ill tummy started. Right now i'm only comfortable when horizontal. Not so sure how this will fare for tomorrow's 7 a.m. flight. We're just praying that this is it. 50% down on team Skogebo isn't good odds. Tate and Jack have been asleep since early afternoon. Ha...if nothing else, we'll have a story to tell.

Dave and Hannah have been great! Hannah helping out with Carter and Dave managing to get all of my little piles into suitcases. I'd post a pix, but the cameras are all packed. Wish us luck!

The Pink Flash

Jocelyn, completed the San Diego sprint Duathalon. She did great and looks good too. Stay posted for her next Race coming soon.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Testing out sending photos from our phone.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Roughing it...

So we're having a drill of sorts to prepare for our weeks in the motorhome, tucked in all close together. The air conditioner for the bedroom area just stopped today. It took awhile to figure it out since we were on the other side of the house meeting with our small group. Our poor babysitter and the kids were oblivious until we walked back and noticed the 15 degree temp change down the hall!

So we're sleeping in the guest suite- Us in the bed, a kid on each sofa, the crib rolled into the corner and one out in the family room sofa. I'm sure we'll all wake up at the crack of dawn together. Perhaps one of the kids will stumble to the kitchen and make Carter his 4 a.m. bottle?

Speaking of the little guy, he has gone from pretty much sitting in the middle of the room content to wild baby man. He can cover some serious ground. He keeps pinning himself under the coffee table or sneaking off to the bathroom and getting stuck between the toilet and the tub. His crawl style reminds me of a mollusk. He tucks the left leg under his body somehow and slugs along with his right. When that is too slow, he goes straight up to the arms and the feet. I think it is because our floors are so "rustic" (bumpy) that he'd do anything to avoid hurting his knees. I'm really hoping his transition to the walk will be a slow one, but I have my fears that he is going to just stand up one of these days.

One interesting thing that happened today...I went out around 6 to the canal by our house and as I stepped out from the alley, I heard cries of some animal. Looked across the canal and there stood a lone coyote going crazy. Don't they make those sounds when they have a fresh kill...or am I confusing them with something off National Geographic? I felt inspired to run the other direction. I returned unharmed...but who expects that with Wal-Mart 1/4 mile away and the scent of glazed doughnuts in the air from the local doughnut shop? There was a man out walking who saw my face as I walked out and saw it and he was cracking up. He reminded me that they're not really bothered by us. Oh, that's reassuring...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Strong Finish!
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Yep...we're always here for you Dad! Ummm...can you buy us a snow cone?
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T-Bear is always cute and pink!
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JJ cools off.
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Okay...this is not the best pix ever...but how cool is it...from a purely artistic standpoint how Dave's T-shirt matches with the port-a-johns behind him?! He's awesome! So a flat tire and a little too much accelerade may have slowed his race down a bit, but how many of us were out burning that many calories on a Sunday morning? What an awesome example of how to live life screeching around the bases and sliding into home?! You're our hero!
In typical Mommy fashion...we missed Dave at the finish line. I guess we miscalculated how long it would take for each leg. We rolled in about 20 minutes before his estimated finish, ran into some friends, chatted and then settled in to see him finish. I prepped the kids on how to run in with Daddy. We were ready. I spread out a towel to sit on and looked up. There was Dave stolling over to us. Obviously he had already crossed the finish line already, or he was deleriously confused. Urgh! How did that happen?!

It was an incredibly hot day. I know i wouldn't have wanted to run a 10K in that heat. Much less added on a swim and bike! Thankfully Grandma took Carter while we went down to greet Dad. He would have been a Baby-K-Bob. The splash park helped cool us all down. I tried to take clever pix of the kids, but mainly ended up with a lot of photos of the children of strangers.

After picking up Carter, we headed off to Molly Brannigans, a local Irish place. Corned Beef Boxty sounded good to our athlete and we were willing to appease. Where else can you order Lucky Charms and Guiness on draft?

One more short week of school and the kids are free! Meanwhile, we'll leave Dad to plan for his next race!
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First Tri: Tempe International

I am sitting here trying to figure out how to start my first blog, I guess you just start.
The pre race was nice easy to park easy to check in and setup. I was in the the third to last wave in the swim start; this gives me the opportunity to be last out of the water with my sub-sub par swim speed. The swim was long it looked longer than a mile and felt just as long. Well when I got out of the water I wasn’t last but I was close.
Next I picked up my bike and started riding, I was riding well by my standards but the other riders were fast. The beginning of my second bike loop I heard a swish, swish, swish, I thought my brake was hanging up, then pshhhhh. The tire went flat. Now I am on the side of the road fixing my tire and with these fast guys fly by. I am starting to get a complex. I started out again and finished my other loops; the last one was really lonely.
So for the fanale I put on my running shoe and run forest run. My gut is saying stop forest stop. All the sports drink I had while on the bike was bouncing on up and down in my stomach and making me feel nauseous. I got into a rhythm take two cups of water at the aid stations take a sip of one then dump the two cups on my head. After a while the kids at the aid stations were offering to douse you for free this was great except my shoes filled with water, I sloshed along. About one mile from the finish I got goose bumps and got chilled? Uh-o. After Jocelyn’s little heat stroke I thought I need to stop and walk a little. So I am walking along and notice for the first time that there are these volleyball courts down by the water how nice that would be on a cooler day. I also notice the sprinklers that water the sand are on, and the wind is blowing the mist towards me! OH, duh. Anyway I start running again and finish the race strong. Jocelyn and the kids showed up a little later and we went to the splash park, that felt great and I think the kids had fun too.

Crawling Carter

Cater is growing up every day. Here is a video of his first all legs all arms crawl. Enjoy.
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Dad's first big Triathlon!

Today's the day! Dad just started the swim portion of his first tri about 30 minutes ago. He chose an Olymic Distance Race for his first. No small potatoes. It is a 1400m swim, 26 mile bike and a 6 mile run. He'll be spending around 45 minutes swimming in Tempe Town Lake (picture murkey rusty brown water) before he embarks on the rest of his journey. It is supposed to hit over 100 degrees today. But he's well trained and our resident hero- so we look forward to cheering him across the finish line! A quote I like is "The first step in getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are" -Unknown. So all those mornings he made that "first step" out of bed at 5 am will be paying off today.

We'll head down to cheer him on shortly. We're still in our pj's, mom sipping her coffee. Guess I should sip sports drink his honor! The night before any race is always antsy. Did I pack the right things? Tires on bike aired up? Check. Visor? Check. Helmet? Check. The pre race preparation seems to involve endless checking and rechecking as some sort of calming/ coping mechanism for the athlete. I really wish I had gotten a picture of our master bathroom floor- with all his stuff layed out to review. And then there is always the fear that a three year old will wonder in and swipe something vital to your race and bury it in the backyard.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Last but never least...we like to sit and nibble on the grass. Right now, our nickname is in Billy Goat. He'll eat anything he can get his hands on. I'm quite sure he ate a bug the either day. The remnants of what I fished out of his mouth looked vaugly like a bug leg.
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Did I mention that we had pretty cute kids? Here are 3 out of 4 in San Diego. The playground is their favorite place to go when we are there. It beats paying a small fortune to go to Sea World!
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Blogging for Team Skogebo

This is a test. Only a test. Hopefully wit and wisdom will follow...but no promises. It is with much excitement we begin this endeavor. If nothing else, we'll have some pictures of some pretty cute kids to share.