Sunday, May 18, 2008

Okay...this is not the best pix ever...but how cool is it...from a purely artistic standpoint how Dave's T-shirt matches with the port-a-johns behind him?! He's awesome! So a flat tire and a little too much accelerade may have slowed his race down a bit, but how many of us were out burning that many calories on a Sunday morning? What an awesome example of how to live life screeching around the bases and sliding into home?! You're our hero!
In typical Mommy fashion...we missed Dave at the finish line. I guess we miscalculated how long it would take for each leg. We rolled in about 20 minutes before his estimated finish, ran into some friends, chatted and then settled in to see him finish. I prepped the kids on how to run in with Daddy. We were ready. I spread out a towel to sit on and looked up. There was Dave stolling over to us. Obviously he had already crossed the finish line already, or he was deleriously confused. Urgh! How did that happen?!

It was an incredibly hot day. I know i wouldn't have wanted to run a 10K in that heat. Much less added on a swim and bike! Thankfully Grandma took Carter while we went down to greet Dad. He would have been a Baby-K-Bob. The splash park helped cool us all down. I tried to take clever pix of the kids, but mainly ended up with a lot of photos of the children of strangers.

After picking up Carter, we headed off to Molly Brannigans, a local Irish place. Corned Beef Boxty sounded good to our athlete and we were willing to appease. Where else can you order Lucky Charms and Guiness on draft?

One more short week of school and the kids are free! Meanwhile, we'll leave Dad to plan for his next race!
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