Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Parenting Style

So, tonight, as Dave was heading out to meet with the high school boys, I heard a ruckus in the back yard. Around the corner I strolled and there stood Jack with a garden hose- hosing down poor 1 1/2 year old Carter. Carter is dripping wet. Jack is grinning. "We do not hose down our brother!" I bellow. "David...come here!" I call him mainly because it's just funny, but also so that i'm not the only bad guy.

Dave walks out, takes it all in and casually takes the hose from Jack. He hands the hose to the baby and cranks up the water. Then Carter lets loose on Jack. Just a little contrast in parenting style. Of course, then he leaves and i'm left with two very wet little monkeys in my house.


Love and Laughter said...

That is hillarious! I love it. Those pictures totally capture each of them. So funny!!!!!!!

AZmommy23 said...

So you're the bad guy at your house too, eh? Yes, the difference between mommies and daddies is the reason kids need BOTH! :) I wish you had video of that event... too funny!

Mrs. C said...

That is so typical around here too. I bet we would laugh more and join in on the fun too if we didn't have to clean up after :)The boys look too cute!