We drive and we drive. The billboards zip past us, all promising the glory of Wall Drug and free ice water. All we see for miles is green, green, green touching the horizon of blue, blue, blue. It is overwhelming in a serene sort of way.
Finally- we reach our turnoff for the Badlands National Park. We’re driving through and then ending up at the city of Wall. We pay our $15 to drive in and stop at the first overlook. It is stunning. We imagine the pioneers in search of farmland coming over the crest of all that green and suddenly coming across this. This area is sacred to the Lakota Indian. It means freedom to Jackson, who is ready to escape the confines of the motorhome.
When we drive on to the trailhead for some light hiking, Jack is beside himself. He runs, skips and digs his fingers into the soft dirt. He spins on one foot with delight and chants, “Oh yeah, Oh yeah!” He throws rocks. He climbs up rock formations and slides down on his tail. His joy is so unbridled- we just stand back and laugh.
Tatum loves the chunks of dirt that break down into soft powder. She says it is like Mommy’s make-up. I touch the pile in her hands and she is right. She finds a few favorite pieces and holds tight as she climbs up on the rocks with her other free hand. Hannah carries around the big camera, taking a ton of pictures. She has discovered the art of photography and has decided to become a photographer when she grows up. But her art will have to wait, as she cannot resist the allure of climbing the rock formations. It is like you would imagine it would look on another planet.
With dusty jeans and smiles, we head back to the motorhome. Next, we drive through the grasslands, smelling the burn of the airbrakes as Dave negotiates some serious turns. By the time we hit Wall, SD we’re ready for the magic promised by all those billboards. And maybe some lunch too.
We end up in a smoky bar with a sign outside that says families welcome. Hannah and I immediately begin to sneeze, but our options are slim around here, so we tough it out. The kids each get a Sprite and enjoy the rush of 38 grams of sugar per serving. We spend the remainder of our time in Wall looking through the shops, marveling at the many choices: mounted rabbit heads with horns (a jackalope?), personalized shot glasses, toy guns, buffalo chip frisbies and knomes. Carter picks out a blue light up duck that stops working before we get back to the motorhome., but apparently it tastes just fine.
We drive on to Rapid City, grab some milk at the grocery and search for Happy Holidays Campground. We know where to look because it is across from the Reptile Gardens. This strikes me as funny, as I wasn’t aware of a swamp or large reptile population in South Dakota. Regardless, the parking lot is full and across the road is our campground! They escort us to our campsite, which is the best in the whole park. It is totally secluded and has a beautiful view.
It’s Taco Nite at our picnic table, which is a hit with the crew. Our new bunny friend, Henry sits and stares at us. At least until he is chased by the kids trying to get a closer look. Poor Henry.
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