Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 8: Clean Shaven Men...

It's the day before the big race! We're seriously behind on blog entries, though I will go back and add the pix at least! We tried very hard to take it easy today! A leisurely breakfast and some hanging out. We loaded up the crew and headed to check in Dave's bags for transition. We've made a list. We've checked it twice. We've checked it three times.

Dave, my rock and the rock of this family, who is always pulled together and has a plan...has become a space cadet. It is so amusing to me, because that's how I always am! He can't remember where he put anything and is muttering to himself.

We're like a little parade- Dave pushing his bike, Hannah alongside myself and Carter in the stroller (with Daddy's transition bags), followed by Tate, telling stories and Jack, lagging behind, picking up random sticks and broken computer pieces.

As we wait for him to check his bags in, I stand in awe of all the cleanly shaven men's legs strolling by. I don't think I'M that smooth and I shaved this morning! Ironmen come in all shapes and sizes. There is some seriously good people watching to be had. I'm also scoping out all the bikes- it's fun to see what everyone is riding. Until Carter chucks a stick (his sister gave him) at an unassuming crowd of people and I have to apologize profusely. "So sorry!" After Dave's bike is checked in, we roam around the tents for awhile and pick up some cowbells for ringing.

The kids are starving by now and we're all at each other's necks...time for lunch! We had a wonderful lunch at a local italian place (go figure...carbs!). Jack ordered the hot dog pizza, complete with a drizzle of ketchup and mustard. (Gross!) As we finished up, Poppa called to say he was at the house! He walked down to meet us, where Jack's entire face lit up!

Dave and Carter headed back to rest, us girls got in a little shopping and Poppa and Jack took a boat tour of the Lake. To wrap up the day, we had a huge pasta and chicken dinner at home and tucked Daddy in (compression tights and all) for hopefully a good night's rest!

Dave seems to be in tip top shape, except for a bizzare spur in his right foot. He walked with friends to pick up their bikes yesterday- in his bike shoes, so that could be where it is coming from. We are hoping the pain (he's been icing and resting it) will be gone tomorrow for a smooth and enjoyable race!!!

1 comment:

Mrs. C said...

Hot dog pizza,huh? Sounds like Kaiden's type of heaven.